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    Welcome to the online enrollment and application process at the School of Philosophy


    We are very pleased about your interest in studying at our university.

    You would like to apply/enroll for one of our degree programs or continuing education courses in Munich? First select your study program before you register once or log in with your already existing access data.

    To be able to select a study program, please click on enrollment or application in the bar at the top.


     You can find the following degree programs under Enrollment:                              
    You can find the following study programs under Application:
    1. Bachelor Philosophie
    2. Modulstudium Philosophicum
    3. Modulstudien Philosophie (TUM)
    4. Philosophie und Leadership
    5. GasthörerInnen
    1. Promotionsstudium
    2. Promotionzusatzprüfungen
    3. Masterethik (bitte wählen Sie einen Schwerpunkt aus)
    4. Zertifikate (Medienethik, Medizinethik, Wirtschaftsethik, Ethik d. interkult. Dialogs)


    Please note: For a double degree program, we require a separate online application for each degree program or continuing education program.



    Still have questions or need assistance completing the enrollment/application? Please have a look at the FAQs. For this you have to click on "FAQs" in the tab above.