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  • FAQs:

    What is first-time enrollment? What is a first degree?

    In the first enrollment you will be asked at which University the first enrollment in a degree program took place. Here it does not matter whether in the corresponding study program a Degree was made or not. If the first enrollment in abroad, the "University location" must be set to "Abroad" and the and for "State of the university" the respective country must be selected.

    A first degree is understood to mean the first course of study, until a first professional qualification is obtained.
    For this definition, it does not matter where, how often, or in how many subjects one has enrolled in up to the end of this time.

    What does initial enrollment and new enrollment mean?

    First enrollment = very first enrollment at a university, if you have never studied before

    New enrollment = enrollment if you have already been enrolled at a university, regardless of whether you have completed your studies or not. have finished or not.

    What is a subject term?

    A subject semester is a semester in the subject to be studied, in this case the 1st semester of philosophy.

    What does university entrance qualification mean?

    Please enter the school-leaving qualification with which you were able to start your first course of study, even if this school leaving certificate does not entitle you to study at the HFPH (e.g. the Fachhochschulreife, which you used to start a bachelor's degree program that you have already completed).

    Which degrees do I need for enrollment in the undergraduate degree programs at the HfPh?

    In addition to the general university entrance qualification, you are also entitled to a university or university of applied sciences degree (degree from a (Fach-)Hochschule) entitles you to an undergraduate degree at the School of Philosophy.

    A university entrance is also possible via a professional qualification. Further information on this subject and the documents required for this can be found here.
    We ask you, however, to have a counseling interview with the Academic Advising before you apply as a vocationally Qualified applicant. You can find the contact here.

    Why do I have to apply first for some courses of study and and for others I just have to enroll?

    The courses of study with restricted admission have an application prior to enrollment. For all other programs, you start right away with the enrollment in the study program.

    Do I need to declare enrollment at another university?

    Yes, both for statistical purposes and in order to exempt you from the contributions to the Studentenwerk and the semester ticket.

    What is a dual degree program?

    You are in a dual degree program if you are concurrently enrolled at another university.

    Information about the semester ticket

    Information can be found here.

    Affordable housing in Munich and the surrounding area

    Information can be found here.

    Studying with child

    Information can be found here.

    Studying with a disability

    Information can be found here.

    Counseling Network of the Munich Student Union

    Information can be found here.

    Here you can find more information about the study programs:

    1.Bachelor Philosophy:

    2. Module Studies Philosophicum:

    3. Module studies philosophy (TUM):

    4. Philosophical Orientation Year

    5. Certificate Philosophy and Leadership

    6. Master philosophy (Master konsek.)

    7. Master ethics

    8. Certificate program in media ethics

    9. Certificate program in medical ethics

    10. Certificate program in business ethics

    12. Doctoral Studies

    13. PhD supplementary exams

    14. Miscellaneous